Remote work tips

Fabiano B.
3 min readFeb 23, 2021

Remote work can be challenging but can also be a good opportunity for better focus and to improve our processes.

A key thing to make it healthier is to have asynchronous communication whenever possible. If we always expect real-time communication, it means that all the time we can be distracted by a message in slack leaving no time for deep/meaningful work. If everything is urgent, nothing is urgent.

Slack is an amazing tool for communication but can also be a box of distractions. Here is a guideline that can make your remote workday more productive and enjoyable.

Slack Status 🍔🏃‍♀️📆

Be aware of your slack status. For example, if someone is waiting for your reply but you have the lunch status, the person will know that you are not available and you also better enjoy your food.

Pro tip: you can integrate your Google calendar with Slack and it will automatically change your status during the meeting time and clear it right after.

Communicate your expectations upfront 🕒

When asking for something, it’s a good practice to let clear what is your expectation on a response. For example:

  • this is urgent
  • end of the day
  • end of the week

