Morning Dump

Fabiano B.
1 min readApr 27, 2020

I’ve been using Bullet Journal for quite some time now and I love it.

In this small post there is a small thing (from the book “Make Time”) that I started doing recently and has been quite interesting.

Before starting the day, write down these 3 things:


The most important thing that you achieve in your day.

It helps to set my mood for the day. Since we receive loads of input it’s so easy to get distracted and lost.


Something that you are grateful for.

It feels so good to write gratefulness down. Probably my favorite item from the list.

Let go

Some fear or bad feeling that you want to let go.

Sounds silly, but just by writing it down it seems that it helps to let go faster. It’s like signing a contract, you commit to let this thing go.

Writing things on paper might sound so old school since we have so many cool apps nowadays.

I still feel more commitment from myself writing things on paper, maybe because it’s physical and does not get lost in our bloated digital world.

